Cuidado ⛔ Getbigcoin ( es un intercambio de criptomonedas fraudulento. No envíe sus criptomonedas a la billetera de un intercambio falso, entonces no podrá recuperar sus criptoactivos, los estafadores bloquearán su cuenta y luego exigirán más dinero para desbloquearla. Incluso si les envías más dinero para desbloquear, todavía no te devolverán el dinero, sino que te exigirán más, pero por una nueva razón, y así hasta el infinito hasta que te des cuenta de que te están engañando. A los estafadores se les ocurrirán varias razones para estafarlo y sacarle más dinero (tarifas por verificación KYC, pago de impuestos y todo eso), pero mientras usted crea, pague y espere que le devuelvan su dinero, el monto de sus pérdidas solo aumenta, porque ya perdiste tu dinero su dinero tan pronto como decidió enviárselo a estos estafadores desde el principio.
It is also worth noting that is not the only website run by these scammers. Here are some of their other scam platforms that we have identified earlier:
If you have already sent money or cryptocurrency to these scammers, unfortunately, you will not be able to recover it. However, you can take just one minute of your time to leave a comment here, specifying where and through which platform you made the payment, as well as providing detailed information about how you came across these scammers and what led up to the situation. Any additional information you share will help promote this message in search engines, preventing more people from falling victim to this scam.
Hello. I’m also one of the people who was scammed and cheated by this website today. Do we have a way to get rid of or take down bad guys like this? Sometimes the person they cheated and cheated him with could be the last of their family money or someone else’s money.
How did you get to them or where did they contact you? To figure them out, it is important to understand where to start looking.